Distributing Brands

Civil Engineering Testing EquipmentMedical InstrumentsHVAC, Occupational and IAQ Instruments
Engineering Training EquipmentSensors and Data Loggers Miscellaneous

HVAC, Occupational and IAQ Instruments
Casella UKUKEnvironmental monitoring equipment and indoor air quality instruments.
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TSI AirflowUSA Air pressure, velocity and flow measurement instruments.
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TSI AirproUSAWireless air pressure, velocity and flow measurement instruments.
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TSI AlnorUSA Air pressure, velocity and flow measurement instruments.
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Comdronic Ltd.UKElectronic manometer for differential pressure.
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Cirrus Research PlcUKSound Level meter.
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GreisingerGermanyDigital Thermometer, Humidity Meter, PH/Redox Meter and Material Moisture Meter.
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sauermannUSAIAQ Meter and Combustion Gas Analyzer.
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KyoritsuJapanMultimeter, Earth Tester, Insulation Tester and Multi Function Tester.
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Poddymeter Ltd.UKPressure and Flow Measurement Instruments.
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BSWA TECHChinaMaterial Acoustics, Material Damping Measurement equipment, Sound Source and Power Amplifier etc.
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InsizeChinaDedicated measuring instruments
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sensecaGermanyDigital Thermometer, Humidity Meter, PH/Redox Meter and Material Moisture Meter. Environmental Monitoring Sensors, Weather Station, Data Logger.
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